Welfare and Safety
Launceston Road Runners aim to be a friendly and inclusive club, offering a safe environment for everyone to enjoy their running. To assist with that, we have adopted the UK Athletics policies regarding the safeguarding of our members. All of our members are expected to follow the Code of Conduct for Senior Athletes, available on the England Athletics website (go to englandathletics.org/resources , and you will find it in the Club Safeguarding and Welfare section), in any activities they undertake with the Club. In future, when you renew your membership, you will be required to confirm that you have read, and agree to follow, that Code of Conduct.
If any member has concerns about their own safety, or the safety of another member, they should contact the Club Welfare Officer to discuss those concerns. Our Welfare Officer is Kevin Marshall. You can approach Kevin in person at a Club night, or contact Kevin via the Welfare email, which is kmarshall.km44@gmail.com .
If you need more information about safeguarding, you can find lots of advice in the UK Athletics Adult Safeguarding Policy and the UK Athletics Safeguarding Procedures on the England Athletics website.